Bateman, Ann- (Born 1748. Died 1813). Married Jonathan Bateman in 1769. After Jonathan Bateman’s death, she partnered with his brother Peter. Her son William later joined this partnership.
Bateman, Hester- (Born 1708 Died 1794) Married John Bateman (a chainmaker/goldsmith) in 1732. Her husband bequeathed to her all of his tools upon his death. In 1761, with those tools, she began what was to become one of the most respectable and popular silver making businesses of the time. Hester Bateman to this day is well known for her brite cut silver. Hester Bateman retired in 1790, leaving the family business in the capable hands of her two sons.
Bateman, Jonathan- (Born 1747 Died 1791). Son of Hester Bateman, brother of Peter Bateman, husband of Ann Bateman. Entered into partnership in his mother’s (Hester Bateman) silversmith business in 1769. Partnered with his brother Peter in 1790, at which time Hester retired. His son William later joined the family business. Upon his death, he bequeathed his tools to his wife Ann.
Bateman, Peter- (Born 1740 Died 1825). Son of Hester Bateman, and brother of Jonathan Bateman. Peter Bateman entered into partnership with Jonathan in 1790. In 1791, Jonathan died, and his wife Ann took his place in the partnership. This partnership was expanded in 1800 to include Ann’s son William. Ann left the business in 1805. Peter retired in 1825, leaving the business to William.
Bateman, William I- (Born 1774) Son of Jonathan and Ann Bateman. Grandson of Hester Bateman. Nephew of Peter Bateman. William began his role in the family business crafting fine silver in 1800. In 1815 Peter retired from the business and William’s son, William II, began an apprenticeship with William. Some time later (c.1840), William sold the family business to Ben Car, thus ending the line of Bateman family silver established by his grandmother approximately 79 years prior.
Bateman, William II- Son of William Bateman. Grandson of Jonathan Bateman. Great-grandson of Hester Bateman. Apprenticed to his father, William Bateman, in 1815. Little else is known.
Blanchard, Asa- Lexington, KY, USA. Worked between 1808-1838. One of the finest and most respected Kentucky silversmiths. He was well established and well liked, making pieces for the likes of Isaac Shelby (Kentucky’s first governor), Henry Clay (Kentucky Senator and Representative), and many other affluent and influential people.
Boulton, Matthew– Boulton was a major manufacturer in nearly all areas in the 18th century. In terms of silver, he is best known for his Sheffield-plate process. He produced large quantities of Sheffield silver, allowing the lower classes to purchase “silver” without the high price of sterling silver.
de Lamerie, Paul- Netherlands/England. (Born 1688, Died 1751). Apprenticed to Peter Platel, goldsmith. Paul de Lamerie was a very skilled silversmith and engraver. de Lamerie worked through the silversmith ranks very rapidly, however he never became a Primary Warden, likely due to ill health. Even so, he was one of the greatest, if not the greatest silversmith of the 18th century.
Dolfinger, Jacob- Louisville, KY, USA. Worked from 1848-1861. German born gold- and silversmith.
Garrard, Robert- (Born 1793. Died 1881) A fine silversmith. His firm was appointed as Goldsmiths and Jewelers to the King in 1830 and continued as such until at least the 1970s.
Hennell, David I-(Born 1712 Died 1785) Son of Robert Hennell. Married Hannah Broomhead in 1736. The Hennell’s had 15 children, however, only five reached maturity. Of those children, two sons (John and Robert) worked in the family business as silversmiths. David Hennell was elected to the Livery in 1763. In 1773 he retired from the family business to become a Deputy Warden.
Hennell, David II– (Born 1767) Son of Robert Hennell I, grandson of David Hennell I. Worked in partnership with his father and brother (Samuel). Resigned from Livery in 1821.
Hennell, James Barclay- Son of Robert Hennell II. Worked in partnership with his brother, Robert Hennell III. This side of the Hennell family silversmith business ended upon his death in 1899.
Hennell, Robert I– (Born 1741. Died 1811) Son of David Hennell I. Apprenticed to his father. Partnered with his father and later with his sons (David II and Samuel).
Hennell, Robert II- Son of John Hennell, nephew of Robert Hennell I. May have worked with Robert Hennell I as an engraver, however he was not part of that branch of the Hennell family silversmith business. Retired in 1833, leaving the business to his son, Robert Hennell III.
Hennell, Robert III- (Born 1794. Died 1868) Son of Robert Hennell II. Left the business to his son, Robert Hennell IV.
Hennell, Robert IV- Son of Robert Hennell III. Continued his father and grandfather’s (Robert Hennell II) businness with his brother, James Barclay Hennell.
Hennell, Samuel- (Born 1778) Son of Robert Hennell I. Entered into partnership with his father and brother (David II) in 1802. His brother left the partnership later the same year. Samuel continued the business alone, and with a brief partnership with John Terry. His son Robert George had a separate business as a jeweller, possibly making some silver, though this is not certain.
Kendrick, William- Louisville, KY, USA. Worked from 1824-1880. Jeweler and silversmith. Orphaned at age 13, began an apprenticeship with E.C. Beard, jeweler, until age 21. Partnered with James Innes Lemon for some time. Kendrick was well liked and well known for his honesty and integrity. He was regarded as one of the most admirable citizens and businessmen in Louisville at the time.
Kitts, John- Louisville, KY, USA. Worked between 1836-1874. Silversmith, goldsmith, watchmaker, and jeweler. Partnered with multiple people simultaneously. Prolific silversmith. John Kitts made many cups for fairs and racing trophies.
Lemon, James Innes- Born in 1804 in Georgetown, KY. Worked from 1828-1869 in Louisville, KY, USA. Apprenticed under Asa Blanchard. Lemon partnered with William Kendrick for many years until forced into bankruptcy in 1841. The partnership was never reformed, but both men were able to establish their own businesses and repay all their creditors, with interest, even though legally they were not required to do so.
Scofield, John- Also known as John Schofield. He was known for his elegant designs and impeccable craftsmanship. His work often seems restrained, likely due to the period. He possibly worked for the Royal Goldsmiths of that time and may have had commissions for Carlton House.
Smith, Benjamin II- (Born 1764) Son of Ralph Smith. Married Mary Adams in 1788. Married Mary Shiers in 1802. Worked with Matthew Boulton as well as Rundell and Bridge. He also partnered with one of his sons.
Storr, Paul– (Born 1771, Died 1844). Began an apprenticeship in 1785 with Andrew Fogelberg. Partnered with William Frisbee, and later worked for Rundell, Bridge, and Rundell. Storr was a skilled silversmith and crafted neo-Classical style pieces in the Regency period. He is known to have made pieces for the Duke of Portland.